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Crystal Skulls

Writer's picture: Harlowe LaraageHarlowe Laraage


Legend And Prophecy

As a High Priestess within the Magdalene order my call from the crystal skulls was quite recent. Before that I didn’t really care for skulls in my magic yet suddenly. almost overnight I was fascinated and the messages started coming that I had to reconnect with this part of myself as we approach these new dawn.

There are very few legends that cross over cultures and times the way the crystal skull legends do. They are contemporarily shared by the Mayans, The Aztecs, the Native Americans and other indigenous people around the world (and in philosophical terms, they are recorded in Atlantean and Lemurian Times). These legends have been handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years, which attests to their enduring power.

The legend of the “Great Flood”, which was passed down from ancient times, is one of the few enduring legends that is also shared by most cultures around the world – which scientists now confirm was real. While that event marked “an end time” for many people around the world, there may be some parallels to the Mayan Legends regarding 2012.

I had one Lemurian and two Atlantian lifetimes and feel I worked with the original skulls in their pure form when they were first passed down by the star beings. Until now, I couldn’t understand why I kept being drawn to Mexico – I would visit and always return not knowing what I had been looking for too.

The more you learn about crystal skulls, the more you realize the power of multiple crystal skulls. There are many cultures that have legends about crystal skulls, sometimes involving different numbers of crystal skulls. However, “thirteen crystal skulls” seems to be the common denominator among most crystal skull legends.

My visit to Mexico recently and channelling has made everything very clear.

13 Skulls


Native American Cherokee Medicine Man, Harley Swift-Deer Reagan is quoted as saying: “The skulls were kept inside a pyramid in a formation of tremendous power known as the Ark. The Ark was comprised of the twelve skulls from each of the sacred planets kept in a circle, with the thirteenth skull, the largest, placed in the center of this formation. This thirteenth skull represents the collective consciousness of all the worlds. It connects up the knowledge of all the sacred planets.

So let me run through that again – these skulls each contain the consciousness of the entire universe. They communicate and help predict the future and give messages through their guardians.


The basic elements of the 13 crystal skulls legend is that at a pivotal time in humanity’s history, the 13 crystal skulls will be reunited to awaken a new era – transforming from an old paradigm into a new world.

Patricio Dominguez – Pueblo Spiritual Advisor: “The crystal skulls are complete depositories of knowledge and each skull contains a particular specialist area of information – like a living library [each skull is like one volume in a set of encyclopedias]. And the people who will in the future be able to ‘read’ the crystal skulls will only be able to extract all the knowledge from the skulls once they are all assembled together… Of course, the knowledge that is going to come out from the skulls is quite unimaginable to our current minds. But that it is definitely going to come out at a certain time is already foregone. It has been prophesied. But whether we humans then use that knowledge for good or for our own destruction is really down to our preparations.” Think of the universe having its own Akash – this is what the skulls are.

Not all of the original 13 skulls have been found – a few turened up mysteriously over the years – one in Belize, London and various other locations. Many of the skulls were discredited as the tools used to carve them were deemed as too modern. However, that’s basing it on the tools humans had available through history and not star beings.


Many believe that there is a strong connection between the crystals skulls, the Mayans and the Mayan Calendar ending in December 2012. While there is a current belief that more than 13 ancient crystal skull exist (some say 52, or 4 sets of 13), in recent years, the Mayans have spearheaded a grand reunion of North America’s indigenous chiefs in an effort to unite forces towards the commonly foreseen future as recounted by the Mayan elders.

According to Grand Elder Don Alejandro Cirilo Oxlaj Perez, head of the National Council of Maya Elders, a 13th generation Quiche Maya Spiritual Leader: “… The prophecy says now is the time of the awakening. This is your job now, to awaken. The Vale of the Nine Hells is past and the Time of Warning has now arrived. It is time to prepare for the Age of the Thirteen Heavens. The time of 12 Baktun and 13 Ahau is fast approaching, and they shall be here among you to defend Mother Earth. The prophecy says, ‘Let the dawn come. Let all the people and all the creatures have peace, let all things live happily’, for the love must not only be between humans, but between all living things. They said, ‘We are the children of the sun, we are the children of time and we are the travelers in space. May all the songs awaken, may all the dancers awaken. May all the people and all things live in peace for you are the valleys, you are the mountains, you are the trees, you are the very air you breathe’….Now is the time of return of the grandmothers and grandfathers. Now is the time of the return of the elders. Now is the time of the return of the wise ones. And the wise ones are all of you. Now is the time to go out into the world and spread the light. The sacred flame has been kept for this purpose and now the time approaches when you will be required to love all things, to love a world that has gone crazy, to rebalance the heavens and the Earth. For the Time of Warning has come to pass and the Warriors of the Rainbow are now beginning to be born. The Vale of Tears, the Nine Hells, is over and it is time to prepare for the 13 Heavens. The ancestors are returning, my brothers and sisters, and we do not have long. Now is the time that the prophecies will be fulfilled.”


Although quartz is used to maintain accuracy in timepieces, there is no accurate way to measure time when it comes to quartz and crystal skulls. The Earth is crystalline, and quartz crystal is the most abundant mineral in the Earth’s crust. Some of the oldest known rocks on the planet have quartz in them, which are about 3.8 billion year old. Quartz is ancient, and there is currently no way to date the age of quartz itself because it cannot be carbon dated.

The only way that science can currently attempt to determine the age of a crystal skull is to examine it microscopically to find the markings that indicate what type of tool was used to carve it. Quartz is one of the hardest minerals on Earth – only diamond, topaz and sapphire are harder. The creation of diamond tools allowed quartz to be carved faster and more precisely, and also allowed for a smoother polish. Use of these diamond tools determines whether a crystal skull is considered to be new, old or ancient.

In ancient times, it would have taken years, decades, or even generations to carve a crystal skull, depending on its size. Hammers, chisels, and various stone or metal tools were originally used to carve crystal. Ancient civilizations also fashioned hand tools such as a bow drill, which was used to carve seals in the Himalayas dating back to 650 A.D. (the markings on the Tibetan skull are those of being carved by hand using a primitive bow drill – it is estimated that this large crystal skull would have taken decades to carve). The ancients used various abrasives such as sand to polish crystal skulls – some even used human hair to polish the crystal with the intention of infusing the skull with their wisdom and knowledge through this process, which often took generations.

Crystal skulls are amplifiers and generators of energy, and also store information like computers. A new crystal skull is much like a new computer – it is only imprinted with basic programs of the energetic properties of the stone it is carved from. It has also absorbed energies from the carver, and from anyone who has handled it. Crystal skulls can be imprinted with this energy simply by contact, and they can also be programmed with intention and consciousness.

It is said that each skull purchased on this earth carries some of the consciousness of the original 13 – you just need to know how to activate it.


My Mayan adventure took me across the country to truly understand this incredible force in detail. Before my journey I had set up 13 skulls inside a copper pyramid (to simulate the pyramids of Giza) and started activating and tuning them to my consciousness and that of the universe. Each one was carefully selected to be in the group and each one carried for 13 days for 24 hours a day to understand me and my energies.

I took these skulls and others that they had helped me choose to Mexico and allowed them to absorb the energies of the ancient land in ceremony. I now have an army of intelligent helpers whose consciousness and intellect blows my mind each day.

My 13 core skulls, as I said, help me pick additional skulls. I refuse to buy crystals from China but instead by them from the country of origin, from the local people that have carved them so I understand the journey of its energy (much like fostering a child).

Each time I receive new crystal skulls, I use various techniques to cleanse them of unwanted energies. We then place them near Dryden and his 12 disciples to be energized and activated (because crystal skulls transfer energy and information between each other, which is why they like to be with other crystal skulls). We also program the crystal skulls with the intention that they work with unconditional love for their Guardians – this is a “basic” program that still allows the new Guardian to program the skull for their own specific intention. My process makes sure they are clean, magically activated and alive to work as your partner.

I also make sure each skull comes with a meditation so the new owner can connect with the skull on a personal level – here they may give their names and then start relating messages.

Old or ancient skulls are imprinted with the energy and information that has been programmed into them, and with the energy that they have come in contact with or “witnessed”. Crystal skulls were often used for healing, but some cultures also used them in rituals related to human sacrifice, especially in Mesoamerica. My lead skull has an unknown provenance and bizarrely came almost ‘new born’ – devoid of any previous energies and simply full of high vibration.

When it comes to old or ancient crystal skulls, the key is to be able to access the information and energy contained within them – this is like trying to find someone else’s passwords to access files in an old computer. Old or ancient skulls are powerful taskmasters, with their own destiny and their own agenda. While people romanticize the idea of “possessing” an old or ancient crystal skull, the reality is that the guardians of these skulls tend to be called to sacrifice aspects of their own lives in order to serve the destiny of the crystal skull itself, which can be very demanding.

Newer crystal skulls serve their guardians, and all those who come in contact with them. They are not “clogged” with old energetic imprints, and have the energy of newer, faster computers. Traditionally I use clear quartz as a lead skull but the subsequent skulls I have obtained to gain guardians for are of various different crystals.

In essence, all crystal skulls are “ancient”, because quartz is ancient. Newer skulls tend to be more precisely carved and more smoothly polished. They can be programmed more easily, and accessed much faster, much in the way that a new computer functions faster than an older computer. An older computer may contain more information, but it depends very much on who programmed it as to what information it contains. Much like computers, energy can be cleared/deleted/cleansed from crystal skulls, but the imprint of the information it contains does not go away, it remains stored within it. As with a new computer, a new crystal skull allows access to all information through a wi-fi like connection, and connects to all crystal skulls all over the world (both ancient and modern) through the cosmic Internet of the crystal skull grid.

The fundamental elements of the 13 crystal skulls legend is that at a pivotal time in humanity’s history, the 13 crystal skulls will be reunited to awaken a new era – transforming from an old paradigm into a new world. These legends have been handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years, which attests to their enduring power. As we approach the golden age, the new age of Aquarius, the time is now.

When crystal skulls are put together, you can feel the intensity of the power in the room. When they are placed in a circle of 12, this matrix creates a powerful resonant field at an extremely high vibrational frequency. When a 13th crystal skull is added, it augments everything exponentially. It’s an honour to work with them and be chosen by them.

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