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Selecting and Using a Magic Wands


A wand is a basic tool that can make your magic more effective. It can help you to visualize and send energy more precisely--a strong advantage in spellwork, healing, and many other magickal pursuits.

The wand first came into play around the time of ancient Egypt where a Hippopotamous horn would be waved over a birthing woman to bring in the powers and protection of the hippo goddess for the mother to be.

Homer also referred to the use of wands in the Odyssey with many of the Gods choosing to use one for magic.

In a more contemporary style, we can look at The Key of Solomen by Samuel Mathers. He who co founded the Hematic Order of the Golden Dawn really started to promote the benefits of a tool which not only directs magic, but can super power it if you use the right materials and intention.

Both Mathers and Gerald Gardner talked of using different wands for different kinds of magic and to work with varying elements. They spoke of the importance of the materials chosen such as the wood, embelishments and

This article addresses some common beginner's questions about choosing a wand.


The material of the wand is probably the most important factor when choosing your wand. Wands can be made out of wood, metal, glass, carved stone, crystal, bone, resin, polymer clay, earthen clay, paper (or a combination of these materials).

Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, and will contribute something different to your magic. Woods generally have a natural, organic feel that melds well with human energy. (There are many types of woods available, each with slightly different properties.) Metals, especially copper, conduct energy well and are good for producing a strong, precise stream. Crystals are excellent for amplifying subtle energy.

When picking up fallen wood I always ask the tree for permission and leave an offering of gratitude. When picking up a branch, you’ll know if it feels ‘alive’ and wants to be of magical use.

Here are some basic magical properties of different types of wood:

Oak: Defense, strength, courage, luck, and longevity

Beech: Binding work, love, and friendship

Birch: Protection, grounding, and cleansing

Cherry: Mental clarity and decision making

Maple: Love, abundance, money, and health

Pine: Protection, cleansing, healing, and mental clarity

Cedar: Healing, spirituality, and prosperity

Willow: Love, tranquility, and harmony

Apple: Fertility, healing, and abundance

Elder: Protection, prosperity, and healing

Keeping things Sacred

I always ensure I consecrate the materials of every wand as I go. Everything holds energy so you need to get rid of any old energies from the tree, the crystals or other materials used. I will cleanse the wood I am about to use and any decorations on my alter for seven days before wand making.

I also cleanse and charge the finished wand to bind all the materials together and tell them their purpose. I will charge them at one of my favourite power places (normally a ley line) by burying them in soil for 7 days. Once birthed and active, I then task the wand with it’s mission and bind it to the new owner. I then give the new owner an activation prayer.

How To Identify The Energy/purpose Of Your Wand

Before I even begin crafting my wand I will often ask it how it wishes to be used as this will dictate what crystals/woods/metals I bring together.

I often meditate before selecting crystals that wish to join, or if using wood, I will hold the wood between my palms and close my eyes. I then ask the wand how I can serve it and what it wishes to be. The response will usually come in the form of a thought that floats into your mind. Stay open to whatever responses you receive.

A third way to identify the energy of your wand is to use tarot or oracle cards. Shuffle your cards as you normally would and ask the question, “What is the energy of my wand?” Draw a card to reveal your answer. You can ask some follow-up questions such as: “What kind of spells are best suited for this wand?” or “What are the strengths/weaknesses of this wand.”.

Remember, it’s possible that the energy of your wand may change over time. I often make wands for a certain purpose but their new owners sense a changing direction.

Here are some metals you might consider incorporating:

Copper: Healthy, abundance, money, love

Brass: Communication, resilience, protection, abundance, and money

Silver: Psychic abilities, protection, and moon magic

Steel: Protection, healing, good sleep

Gold: Beauty, love, abundance, success, and money

Tin: Divination, luck, and success

Zinc: Protection, fertility, love, prosperity, and banishing magic

Decorating the Wand

Before you begin, think about what you’d like to use your wand for. You can make an all-purpose wand or you can get more specific such as a wand specifically for money spells, love spells, abundance spells, or heightened spiritual awareness.

I research the different magical qualities of materials and gather materials that support the magic of the wand.

My two signature types of wands that I enjoy making are deer antler wands (as the wand will contain the energies of the power animal) and crystal fusions. I use fluorite and clear quartz together mainly as it amplifies and 'cleans' magic as it is happening.

These are some of my favourite crystals for wand making

Clear Quartz: Power, protection, and amplification of all crystals

Rose Quartz: Self-love, friendship, and romantic love

Citrine: Love, success, abundance, money, career breakthroughs

Amethyst: Intuition, psychic connection, and healing

Agate: Protection, courage, and strength

Jade: Balancing emotions, unconditional love, prosperity, luck, banishing negativity

Smoky Quartz: Cleansing, protection, and banishing negativity

Hematite: Optimism, determination, grounding energy, willpower, and attraction magic

Selenite: Cleansing, power, mental clarity, willpower, and spiritual connection

Labradorite: Intuition, psychic abilities, transformation, dreams, and meditation

Sodalite: Logic, truth, tranquility, self-esteem, and positivity

Fluorite: Along with energetic cleansing, the fluorite crystal brings with it the ability to perform physical cleansing and detoxification. Many people use fluorite as an antiviral stone that flushes out toxins and harmful viruses from the body

Tigers Eye: A stone of protection, Tiger Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer. It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions.


A wand is composed of three basic parts: A reservoir, a shaft, and a tip. Understanding these parts and their functions can help you choose the right wand for your purposes.

The reservoir is at the base of the wand. It may be rounded or bulb-shaped, or simply be incorporated into the wand's grip or handle. Its purpose is to collect and store subtle energy from the body, especially the energy centers in the palms, wrists, and/or fingertips.

The body of the wand is called the shaft. It refines and concentrates the energy as it travels the length of the wand.

The tip of the wand transfers energy from the wand to its target. The material and shape of the tip influence how the energy is dispensed. Crystal tips are popular for providing a final boost to the energy as it flies on its way!

Thoughtful designers take the structure of the wand into account when choosing materials. Mine tend to have crystals going up the shaft to the tip and incorporate other materials to super power.


You can use your wand for a multitude of things.

- Drawing symbols or your intention in the air or ground

- Drawing a protective/casting a circle

- Directing magick away from you towards a target

- Draw down energy during incantations

- Direct it towards a painful area during physical healing

- Clear blocked energy pathways

- Clear your aura

- Align all your bodies



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