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What Being A High Priestess Means

Many people go by the title of High Priestess or Priestess. This title and the responsibilities come in many forms. Some of us self appoint the title, some are voted by and run covens and others are part of a sisterhood working with a particular deity. For me titles are very much a 'so what'; I mean you can clean the bins in your neighbourhood yet be called 'Head of Sanitation'. This is why I wanted to show you what it means to be a priestess, how I live it and how I honour it.

When the earth called to me, I responded and remembered. I worked once again with my sister Mary Magdalene and various mentors in this world and others, over many years to regain my skills as an Earth Priestess and then High Priestess to help guide others.

A Priestess for me is a vessel of Eternity...a servant of the Mother, of Truth, of Beauty, of Wisdom, and a conduit of Love. She is a woman awake in her femininity and the power of the Goddess in all her bodies. She is a representation of faith and truth – much like her sister Mary Magdalene.

She is a spiritual activist doing the work of the Divine in the world. A seeker, a mystic, a poetess, a dancer, a lover, a warrior, a mother, a sorceress, a crone, the Priestess allows all of the ways of the Lady to live within and through her.

She is a revolutionary force of kindness and compassion and strength and fortitude. Dancing with the elements, she practices self-love as a devotion to the Goddess. She listens. She responds. She is still and moving at the same time. From her connection to Source, she is a beacon of spirit and soul, radiating blessings around her and enlivening any being who comes into contact with her.

She is a weaver of worlds, one that travels into the inbetween to provide a path and channel to the beings that reside there. She communicates between the elementals and humankind to join the together on helping the great mother. She channels higher vibrational sources, giving them a voice in this world and absorbing their wisdom.

Everyone is the artist of their lives, and the Priestess is trained to become a devotional artist of service and healing. She is rooted in her internal relationship with spirit and from there she can do inspired work in the world. A priestess can be a healer, a stay- at-home mother, a teacher, a CEO, a hermit; the particular expression of her service is as unique as each woman on the Path. When a woman reclaims this archetype, she enters into seriously playful intimacy with the powers that create our lives. She frees herself from the domesticated mind and roams purposefully in the wilds of her heart, letting her authentic nature guide her.

One of the names of the Goddess is, “She Who Hears the Cries of the World.”

The Priestess does; she hears it, she feels it in her body, indelibly etched in her cells. It is the longing to merge fully with everything, and respond to the need for support. The Priestess has an inborn sense of responsibility - literally the “ability to respond,“ - which motivates her to a life of service. She cultivates her life as a practical mystic, being a leader by her radical choice to fully inhabit her feminine nature. The Priestess is a pillar of support and a chalice of guidance as humanity writes this next chapter of the Great Story.


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