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Bismuth aids in relieving feelings of emotional and spiritual isolation. It also reduces anxiety and depression. With the ability to improve concentration and stimulate energy, this stone can help you achieve your goals while working in a team.


This is a beautiful mental health helper.  Twinned with the energies of the rainbow dragons.


The Rainbow Ascension Dragons have been given the Divine Blueprint of Mother Earth from Divine Source to support her on the next stage of evolution for souls on Earth. 


These multicoloured dragons connect to all the colour rays on Earth and as you connect with them you automatically raise your energy frequency. 


They are great for connecting with to clear your emotional body and to support you in your Earth healing work. 


They work on downloading the new Earth codes into the Leylines and are 5th dimensional in consciousness. 


They will show you where you require to work on in your energy field to support your own ascension fully into the 5th dimensional state of being.

They are good to work with when you feel stuck, isolated, lost or confused on your spiritual journey. They are also great to work with when you would like inspiration and wisdom on the next stage of the ascension journey for you as a soul.


Their energy is very uplifting to connect with. They are also multi dimensional in vibration.



Aura Bismuth Dragon Head

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